martes, 5 de marzo de 2013


Let's present a new section of the blog: "The Quotation Contest".
You can write a quotation and the rest of your school mates can vote for it or write a new one to be voted as the best one.

1. "Each end gives us the opportunity for a rebirth" (Aleph)by Paulo Coelho.
(Cada final nos da la oportunidad de renacer)

2."Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans" by John Lennon.
(La vida es lo que te pasa mientras haces otros planes)

3. "Dream as if you'll live forever
    live as if you'll die today" by James Dean
(Sueña como si fueras a vivir para siempre,
 vive como si fueras a morir hoy)

4. "What's poetry?, You ask me as you fix 
      your blue pupil in my pupil;
      What's poetry? And are you really asking me?
     Poetry you", Rhyme 21 by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
    (¿Qué es poesía?, dices mientras clavas
     en mi pupila tu pupila azul;
     ¡Qué es poeesía! ¿Y tú me lo preguntas?
     Poesía ...eres tú.)

5. "Don't worry, be happy" by Bob Marley
(No te preocupes, sé feliz)

6. "The most important of life's battles is the one we fight daily in the silent chambers of the soul" by David O.Mckay
(La batalla más importante de la vida es aquella que se pelea diariamente en los silenciosos aposentos del alma)

7. "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; th e point is to discover them" by Galileo Galilei
(Todas las verdades son fáciles de entender una vez se han descubierto; el problema es descubrirlas)

8. "To be or not to be, that is the question" by William Shakespeare
(Ser o no ser, esa es la cuestión = Is it better to live or to die?)

9. "The old bitch alcoholada", La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas
(La puta vieja alcoholada)

10. "Food is our common ground, a universal experience" by James Beard
(La comida es nuestra tierra común, una experiencia universal)

11."Have you ever  heard that we can't live without love? Then, the oxygen is more important" House
(¿Ha oído alguna vez que no se puede vivir sin amor?. Pues el oxígeno es más importante)

12. "God save the Queen" by Sex Pistols
(Dios salve a la reina)

13. "Knocking  on Heaven's doors" by Guns and Roses
(Llamando a las puertas del cielo)

14. " I live without living in me" by Santa Teresa de Jesús
(Vivo sin vivir en mi)

15." Love told me that I had to make her smile. the problem is that every time you smile, I fall in love"
by  Bob Marley
(El amor me dio que tenía que hacerle sonreir, el problema es que cada vez que te hago sonreir me enamoro)

16."Men are moved by two levers only: fear and selfinterest" by Napoleon Bonaparte
(Los hombres sólo se mueven por dos cosas: por miedo y por propio interés)

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